Veteran actress and Uttar Pradesh MP Jayaprada,who went to Prathapghad in UP for meeting Parveen Azad the widow of DSP,was fumed with a news reporter’s question and threatens to slap him.He asked about her relation with former Samajwadi leader Amar Singh, who is well known as her mentor in UP politics. She threatens to slap him in the public, but carry on with the purpose of her visit. Prathapghad DSP Zia-Ul-Haq was brutally killed by the followers of Uttar Pradesh minister Rajju Bhayya. DSP’s wife Parveen Azad has lodged a complaint against the minister and demanded CM of the UP state Akhilesh Yadav to arrest the minister.Jayaprada being representing from Uttar Pradesh has paid a visit to widow of the DSP and faced embarrassing situation with reporter’s question.
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